I'm so glad I've gotten over my obsession with correcting the world/saving the world. I'm glad people like Bono and Oprah really want to handle that, but I'm done with. I can't do it and it wont happen. I think any man that has a wife and a child/children, but spends more time at his church or working on plans to bring world peace and end poverty is a piece of garbage. I meant it. You can make it sound as noble as you want; "I'm doing this for my church! For God's kingdom!" If your wife and children feel second to anything, you're wrong. It's that simple.
I love my church. I love my job and my future career as a special education teacher. But let me tell you, the second any of those things require more of me than expected, and if that expectations come at the expense of my wife and son's feelings about their daddy; if they begin to lose trust in my dedication to them, I'm stepping back. If it means I have to miss a pay increase, or looked at as non-committed, so be it. It's that simple to me.
There is a huge phenomenon, especially, in the Bible belt, called the "Church Widow." The church widow is a wife who marries a Christian man, and that man decides that it's completely acceptable to spend more time doing "ministry" than spending time with his bride. He's up at the church early and late. She's always waiting for him. He volunteers to do things that someone else could do easily. It's such a common story, it's almost pathetic.
Random, random thoughts....
I just hate seeing families broken up, and I think it's even more despicable when it's in the name of good intentions. Just because you're married doesn't mean you're there.
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